Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Questions Bank Part 1 / EX01 - EX04 Compex Training Exam , Exd, Exe, Exi, Exp, ExnR

 1. The minimum IP rating for Ex e equipment is? 

- IP54

2. Which of the following descriptions represents equipment marked Ex e?

- inreased safety 

3. Which of the following locations can  Ex n equipment be insalled?

- EPL Gc( Cat 3G)

4. Four variations of Ex n equipment are available, which are?

- Na, nc, nL and nR

5. Installed in 2009, an Ex d motor has an Ex e terminal box. Which of the following gland options may be used in SWA cable?

- Ex d or Ex e

6. A steel Ex e enclosure has a threaded entry 10 mm in length. Which of the following options achieves the minimum installation requirement when fitting an Ex E1W cable gland?

- fit gland

7. For Ex e equipment installed in 2005, which of the following glands is not acceptable?

- uncertified plastic

8. The tE time of an Ex e motor indicats?

- the disconnection time limit when stalled after starting from hot

9. The requirement for cable glands entering Ex n equipment after 2007 are?

- certified as meeting the requirements of EIC60079-0

10. As Ex de motor, with an Ex e terminal box, was installed in 2005. Which of the following cable glands achieves the minimum installation requirements?

- An uncertified gland which meets the IP and impact requirements

11. An Ex e enclosure has clearance entries. What is the minimum requirement for installing an SWA cable?

- fit gland, external IP washer internal serrated washer and lock nut


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Hörmətlə: Səfa Məcidov